This photo was taken in N/A at N/A . It is an image of a field with a woman on a ladder and utility poles with clothes hanging on them. The woman is climbing up on the ladder to hang laundry on the utility poles. In the picture, you can see a field with poles and a few trees. In the background, there are more farming fields and discolored patches of grass/crops. In the foreground, there are telephone poles and small hills/mounds of grass and dirt. In the mid-ground/middle-ground, there is a woman climbing up a large ladder holding a basket of clothes. This photo was taken in N/A at N/A . It is an image of a field at night with two doors, a turned on lamp, papers on the ground, and a man walking in between the doors. The man is walking from one open door to the next, it is night which makes the light coming from the doors look a lot brighter. In the picture. you can see two wooden doors, a lamp, strewn papers, a man in a robe, and the dark night sky. I...